Leading Agile
Leading five designers on a continuous integration and continuous development ordering platform. The experience was B2B and provided interesting user research opportunities. With code launching an average of eight times a day, it was an interesting project and fast-moving product.
Communication and Cyber Security Platform
An American and Canadian defense company needed to unite various products and services that ranged from hand-held radios for soldiers, to solutions that were “don’t ask, don’t tell”.
Life-Saving Equipment
A demo app that could be run on an iPad was needed to demonstrate the equipment’s ease of use and life-saving scenarios. The application was an excellent sales tool and learning experience.
Content Management Platform for Medical Devices
A global medical device company needed a platform to unite over 20 business units. It was a year-long project squeezed into four months.
Read about Content Management Platform for Medical Devices >
Patient Information
It’s about time for “charts” and “notes” to go to the wayside and focus on the importance of the right information, at the right time. The medical industry has seen so much growth in the last few years. An overhaul of the “kitchen sink” approach to electronic health records is desperately needed.